Rules & Regulations
We Require Insurance
Rent will be charged to your credit card on the 1st of each month. If you move in during the month, your first month will be prorated to make your future payments due on the 1st.
You may move out of your space whenever you want. We require at least 10 days notice and you will receive your security deposit when we have inspected the unit. Please refer to the contract for a sample of a Notice To Terminate.
Rules & Regulations

The following items are NOT ALLOWED in your storage unit:
- The unit or premises may not be used to produce, store or work on anything unlawful.
- No explosives, ammunition or dangerous chemicals.
- No improperly packaged spoilable foods.
- We do not allow anything that’s alive and eating.
- Nothing may be plugged into electricity in the unit.
- We do not allow vehicles, machines, or motorized items that leak, store gasoline or make loud noises.
- No sleeping allowed in the unit.
- No refrigerators, freezers, heaters, lamps are to be connected to service outlets.
- No modification of units allowed, including nails, screws, fasteners, holes or partitions.
- You may not hang or attach items or store items above the wire ceiling.
- No sanding or spray painting to be done within the unit.
- No combustible items are allowed in the unit – such as paint thinner, gasoline, solvents, paint or hazardous materials.
- No batteries, including automobile or battery chargers.
- Loading carts must stay on the property.
- Overhead garage doors must be kept closed at all times except when actively loading or unloading.
We Require Insurance
For your safety and ours, we require insurance, either renters or home-owners, and will ask for a copy to be emailed or dropped off upon moving in. You may also purchase Storage Insurance from either of these companies.